Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cool as a cucumber

I watched an interesting interaction between two boys on the playground this morning.  Xavier, who is six, and Patrick, who is three.  Patrick was riding a toy car around the concrete area of the yard for a long time.  He left his car to go peer through a hole in the fence. Xavier came along and got onto the car. Patrick ran over and started screaming at him to get off, yelling that he wanted it back.  Xavier stayed calm and just said the most worst words in the playground lexicon, "you aren't my best friend anymore," and walked away. Patrick was devastated.  Of course, five minutes later they were playing happily together again.  What's amazing to me in this situation is that it isn't my job to intervene - even if Patrick is screaming and being unreasonable.  Xavier handled it himself and I think Patrick learned the consequences of being a jerk.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really love this post. The interaction probably spanned a minute but in that minute occured important moments that speak to certain truths that underlie our relationships in both childhood and adulthood.
